
On Point: Volume 16

on point

One hundred sixty one thousand two hundred eighty minutes
One hundred sixty one thousand links to log
One hundred sixty one thousand two hundred eighty minutes
How do you measure four entire months of this blog?

In .jpegs, in weblink,
In videos, in articles,
In bad puns, in webinars,
In laughter, in memes

One hundred sixty one thousand two hundred eighty minutes
How do you measure sixteen weeks of entertaining this team?

Measure in … On Point!

Cue the chorus and let’s get this done.

This Week @Bōwst

Jamie wrote her second post in her series on theming in Drupal 8. Despite the fact that this post has NO photos of cephalopods, it’s still awesome.

JP lead another successful BeYou, and learning and fun (and snacks) were had by all as the team continued working with modules and themes.

JP and Marcus gave a Mad-Max themed talk at the Seacoast Drupal Users Group. WOOT!

Mark your calendars! Tuesday, July 26th is going to be a great day @Bōwst!  We have some exciting stuff coming up!  We’re going to host a Lunch and Learn AND a Webinar: Drew and Preston So (the Development Manager at Acquia) are going to be giving a webinar on using React with Drupal. Check out all of the details and plan to attend!

This team is so excellent. Way to go, all!

I Dream of Drupal

Super Cool Module of the Week: Inline Entity Form

Inline Entity Form allows referenced entities to be created, edited, and deleted while you work by extending the functionality of entity reference fields in Drupal. If that sounds cool it’s because it IS cool.

Moar Modules

June 2016 brought us some useful contributed modules for Drupal 8. Wanna see ’em? Of course you do.

Why Drupal?

When Dries Buytaert says what he thinks Drupal is (and isn’t) for? You should probably pay attention, y’all.

On the JavaScript Express

Like a Babelfish, but for React

This tool translates CSS into React in-line style specific JSON, so you can copy and paste into React components. All that, and you don’t have to put a fish in your ear! Awesomesauce.

Not Far on the Horizon

No squinting required to see Horizon, a scalable back-end for JS mobile apps. (Unless you need reading glasses. And if you do, you should probably get them. Eyestrain is bad.)

Check Your Work, Kids

If only there were a way to check JS code for style and quality AND have an option for testing accessibility. It would be so magical. OH WAIT! THAT EXISTS!

I Saw Design

Tour de Fonts

Our pals at the Googs (that’s Google to everyone else) have revamped Google Fonts and of course, there are opinions to be read.

Cleanin’ Up

Some design is cluttered and messy, but none of those are designs that we enjoy. Find your clean. (It’s probably over there, under that pile of stuff.)

This is How We Roll in the IoT

If we’re talking about the Internet of Things (and we should, because it’s cool), then we need to talk design challenges. But it’s okay — we LOVE a challenge, do we not?

I Like the Way You Work it, All Gadget-y

Take the Last Train to Nopeville

Huawei claims these photos were taken with their new smartphone. This is not how the internets work, y’all.

History Has Its Eyes … on … Your Video Game Controller …

Game of Phones

Now is NOT the time to buy a new iPhone. Wait for it. (When you do buy that phone, though, you might be able to register as an organ donor with it, which is outstanding!)

In Other News

The Revolution Was Not Televised

Newsweek thoughtfully put together a special issue of the Founding Fathers of Silicon Valley and left out the fact that some of those founding fathers? Were actually MOTHERS. Let’s hear it for bad-assed, science wielding ladies.

Out of This World

Juno is in Jupiter’s orbit and that is awesome.

Get in the CHOPPAH

In Sao Paolo, you can get a taxi … or you can Uber a HELICOPTER. I mean, same diff, right?

And Finally …

For Spock, “fascinating” = “awesome”.

What are you still hanging around here for? Get. Sheesh.

Okay, I’ll give you a comic, but then you have to go. GO HOME.

More Thoughts

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